What do you do when your kids are defiant or disobey?
You cannot allow strong-willed children to walk all over you.

This will be perhaps the shortest blog post I have ever written. Because I only want you–in fact, I implore and beg you–to really internalize this one critically important truth.

Even the toughest discipline should lead to a closer relationship with your child. All too often, we bark consequences and say things that crush kids’ spirits out of frustration because they won’t do simple things or just defy you.

Or perhaps you’re really old school (which I like), but you end up driving the child further from you. So how can you be “old school” while still building that relationship with even the most challenging child?

Please take 6 minutes and 37 seconds to listen to this example. I walk you through a very real situation and show you exactly how to do that. It could very well change your relationship with your child tonight. It’s from a new CD program filled with 15 years of wisdom, culled from our experiences with 1,501 strong-willed children in our home (the first being my own son, Casey!).

And if you want us to present our NEW Strong-Willed Child LIVE Workshop at your school, church, or foster care conference, simply email Casey@CelebrateCalm.com or call us at 888.506.1871. Just tell us the the name of your organization and city. We’ll send you a simple one-page proposal to host an event parents will rave about!

Thank you for loving your kids unconditionally.
