This may offend you. Do you REALLY want to stop battles over screens?

Take 9 minutes and listen to this short podcast Kirk recorded with 2 HUGE IDEAS you must understand to stop the constant fights with siblings and screens in your home.

I’ve never really sent a message like this, but am going to risk it because I care more about actually changing your home and relationships than you liking me. Even though I really am a sensitive, people-pleasing middle child by nature!

BIG POINT: Your kids NEED you to lead. They are being exposed to images and information they simply cannot handle emotionally and psychologically at their age. Do this FOR them.

Here’s what happens in most homes. Your kids care about their screens (video games, social media, smartphones, Gameboys, tv, etc.) more than anything else in the world. So it’s the only real leverage you have–thus, you constantly get caught in the trap of taking away their screens as your go-to consequence.

Then they bug you endlessly. Relentlessly. “Can I have my phone back?” “Can I play my video games now?” They are relentless so you give in just to keep them quiet.

Perhaps you allowed your child to get a smartphone or screen too early. And now you regret that your child is basically addicted. But there will be hell to pay if you do what’s right, admit your mistake, and take it away.

And so you complain endlessly to anyone who will listen about this scourge of modern day screens and technology. What was supposed to make your life easier has made it more complex and stressful.

You want to do something because you know inside these screens just aren’t good for your kids. They retard social skills; your kids are like zombies after playing; they distract your kids from doing homework, playing outside, and doing anything productive; they are the source of endless frustration and fights.

But here’s the part that may offend you. Very few parents, less than 1%, are actually willing to do what’s necessary to finally stop these battles.

I know it’s hard. I know you’re emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted by strong-willed kids who battle you over literally everything–sleep, food, homework, school, chores, putting shoes on, brushing teeth, getting a shower.

Want me to provoke you a bit? You don’t really want it badly enough. You don’t. Because you waffle and never really do what it will take to stop this. You’re no longer leading your family–you’re being lead and bullied. And that’s your issue.

Are you FINALLY ready to do what it takes? Or would you secretly miss all the fights? Sadly, most people would rather complain about their kids than do something themselves.

Your kids aren’t coming up with the solution with this on their own. You are going to have to be the parent and lead.

BIG POINT: Your kids NEED you to lead. They are being exposed to images and information they simply cannot handle emotionally and psychologically at their age. Do this FOR them.

Very few parents are willing to put up with their child’s anger (and bullying) to do the right thing. Very few parents are willing to change their own lifestyle.

If you are willing to be resolute and courageous, we will give you our STOP FIGHTS OVER SCREENS CDs FREE. What if by spending the new few weeks doing the hard work you could save yourself from having to battle your kids for the next 52 weeks, over and over again?

Stop Sibling Fights & Control Screens For Only $97

Get Both New Sets For  $394 $97   (Buy 1, Get 1 Free)

We will give you the exact words and action steps to take to finally stop the power struggles.

If you have any questions or need help selecting the best CD/DVD sets for your family, please email He will help you!


siblingsStop Sibling Fights (2 CDs, 2 hours)
When kids bicker, hit, and whine, “That’s not fair” or “He’s looking at me!” it makes you want to pull your eyelashes out. What do you do when an older child picks on the younger one, or vice versa? How do you get teens to play with younger siblings? What do you do when it does get physical? How do you get kids to share without causing resentment? How do you survive car rides, stop bullying, and manage fights between kids when one has special needs?

  • Stop being the referee so your kids can play together without you separating them.
  • Stop the mean, hurtful, verbal attacks and physical fights that lead to tears.
  • Get the provoking child to stop pushing buttons.
  • Teach your reacting child self-respect and how to control himself.



screensControl Screens So They Don’t Control Your Family (2 CDs, 2 hours)
Is technology pitting you against your kids with endless power struggles over video games, TV, cell phones and social media? Do you feel pressure to give your toddler an iPad already? Are you afraid your child’s imagination, creativity, and social skills are being stunted by reliance on technology? Are your teens pulling away, afraid they will miss out if they are not online 24/7? Kirk and Casey will give you practical tools to:

  • Stop power struggles over phones, video games, and tablets without arguments or tears.
  • Motivate kids to relieve stress, interact socially, get outside, and build confidence without screens.
  • Set appropriate limits for kids ages 2-22.
  • Know what to do when schools require an iPad, but this distracts your child.